On the CNN Russian probe video, the person who broke the stories on the stories what wanted to get the point across that the former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos knows that the Russians have “dirt “on trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential Race. The CNN report of the story used the credit ability of CNN as a trust news sources which is ethos because most people will watch news that tells the true. She had a very calm, steady, clear voices as she delivers the information this is example Pathos because she makes you feel like a friend who is giving you some bad news. As you watch the video you isn’t just tell new she is giving support detail on how they know that a former Trump campaign adviser knew about Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election through trust resources.
In the insider fox with Tomi Lahren, she wanted to get her point across that this Russian probe is a big waste of time. She is on fox news; which has a strong base for the conservative stand point. As she is speaking she has a very aggressive tone of voice, which she is using to get her audition as mad as she is over tax payers money going to this fake investigate in the Russian Probe” in her opinion. She doesn’t really have any logical facts truly behind her argument she is just expressing emotion and frustration.
When MSN broke the story about a former Trump Campaign adviser many could believe because MSN had been a credit news sources for years. The first report has a calm voice and speaks clear and explain in detail on how they came about on gather the information on the story.
During the fox new interview with the white house press secretary, she had a bad reputation of not knowing what’s going on this shows with how weak her persuasion skills are. The way she was back tracking herself when question about trump view point, she answered major the question with a very broad answer.
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